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Friends' teachers
Posted: Apr-15-2009

TBarbPodkowka2009 - Virginia Beach Virginia United States

Sep-2005 thru Apr-2009

School-related (Other)

Friends School is a unique school. It offers a curriculum to challenge the brightest of students. But it also offers a warm and accepting learning environment to those children that "walk to the beat of a different drummer." My boys fit into that latter category. T. Barb, T. Bernice, and T. Meghan have all shown the ability to address the individual needs of my children. Not all learn the same; not all will exit high school with the same set of set skills. All that have been touched by these teachers leave with something that goes far beyond a high school education. T. Barb, in particular, has gone above and beyond in supporting not only her students, but also her parents. Words cannot express my gratitude.

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