Lauran, you shared so much more than your expertise as a writer and editor, though that certainly would have been enough by any professional standard.
Thank you for the extra time you spent on research and organization for our benefit. Your after-hours efforts furthered my understanding of all story-related topics and inspired me to put my work to the test in the public eye. The time you took to review a simple Letter to the Editor in 2006 likely had something to do with me landing a job weeks later--a job which has opened myriad opportunities for joy, inspiration and valuable experience as a storyteller, and without which I'd have been ill-prepared to receive and launch my current, very important "mission."
Thank you for the personal stories you shared with me when I most needed to hear them. Your candor put me at ease; I no longer felt alone or "crazy."
Thank you for projecting the same confidence in my ability on the first day we met as you would on the day of my last Writer's Workshop, two years later, although I'd grown in leaps as a writer during the months in between. Without having felt your acceptance for where I stood on Day One I'd have had no desire to return.
And thank you in advance for the much-anticipated fruits of your labor which ripen on the vine at HRW. I admire your talent, abilities and determination and I aspire to such life-affirming heights in my own development as a writer, leader and visionary. I hope our individual paths converge often as we meandor and that our friendship grows like English ivy along the way--abundant, strong and a little bit wild :)
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