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By Cheyenne Grimstead


Being in a world with people of all different colors, races, shapes, religions, lifestyles and even personalities, is a part of life. We can't tell one another how to feel or how to act in certain situations. But what we can do is try to help them.

There's no harm in caring about people. Every now and then, we may feel like no one appreciates it when we do help out or give advice. But should you stop doing nice things all together just because one person, for instance, isn't thankful for the countless hours you spent with them figuring out a way to pass this week's algebra test when they don't understand the material, or how to work on their Spanish vocabulary for the oral exam next block, or even how to deal with their recent breakup?

I don't believe that we should withhold kindness. That's why I created a meaning for the acronym, K.I.N.D - Keep Inspiring New Discoveries.

When you help one person, it could make a huge difference in the future! Whether or not someone wants to appreciate kind acts upon receiving them--well, that's their doing. But as long as you feel good in the end about how you've helped, that's all that truly matters.

Good things come for those who do well for others. And who knows? Maybe there's a surprise in store for you.

K.I.N.D - Keep Inspiring New Discoveries by lending a helping hand.


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