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Thanking of YouTM How to Organize, Post and Search a Group Thank You

Imagine the surprise of a well-loved boss who, after receiving a special code at his retirement party, returns home, logs on to ThankingOfYou.com and receives the messages of a lifetime.

The messages--written by colleagues, employees, coworkers, associates and others--tell the story of how s/he really mattered to those whose lives s/he touched every day.  They're the words that never appeared at the bottom of his or her paycheck.  They're the appreciation for who s/he was; they're the testimonial esteem for not only what s/he's done but for how and why it all mattered.

It's easy to organize a Group Thank You for any situation.  Simply choose "Organized Group Thank You" as primary category and decide which subcategory best describes the commemorative event (retirement, anniversary, Moving On, etc.).  If your category isn't there, choose "Other."  Then create a code which can be used instead of a name when posting and searching Thank Yous written by several individuals for the same recipient.

The code should be a combination of letters and numbers, which may include name and date.  For instance, the code for a favorite teacher who's retiring might read: MrsMorrison2009.  Or a memorial for a beloved relative might read: ForJamesCooper010109. 
If the words/names are not separated by spaces, the stories are only searchable by the entire code.  However, if you want a regular name search to result in the finding of these stories then use first and last name, separated by spaces, and add another identifier (like numbers), which will denote that the stories pertain to a particular occasion.  Example:  Kate Morrison 2009; James Cooper 010109.

The category and code should then be shared with all who wish to participate as well as with the recipient/s.  (Click here for printable/e-mailable notification page.)

This feature allows wide-spread participation in the same celebration (retirement, birthday, anniversary, Moving On situation, etc., even memorial) and enables an abridged search on the receiving end.

Folks may also enter other information when prompted.  For instance, a specific date or date range, or city and state, may help clarify details of a message for the recipient.

Once messages are written and saved, folks may opt to make a donation to a featured organization in honor of the recipient.  Messages can then be immediately posted (published) or held as saved until a particular date when all participants will plan to "Publish."

Participants of the Organized Group Thank You may also connect as Friends at ThankingOfYou.com, organizing and updating any related details of the Group Thank You right here. 

Organizers can decide when to reveal to the recipient that the messages of a lifetime await.  This could be at a party, or via e-mail, mail or telephone if the person is no longer nearby.  For a memorial it might be best to have a family member decide when the family would be receptive to receiving the messages--perhaps after several months or at the one-year anniversary of their loved one's death.

Simply give the Group Code to the recipient.  He or she will open up all the messages by typing the code in the Name box once logged on to ThankingOfYou.com.

Recap: 1. Choose primary and sub categories.  2. Create a Group Code.  (You may also enter other prompted information.)  3. Pass categories and code on to participants.  4. Write your stories of thanks, using Group Code instead of name. Save your stories and publish immediately or later.  5. Make a donation in honor of recipient (optional).  6. Pass Group Code to recipient.  He or she will enter the Group Code in the Name box and receive all related messages.

Copyright 2008, ThankingOfYou.com; ThanksToYou.net

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